
cauldron castle is an offering of bodywork, energy work, and spell work, often integrated together. this work is carried out in the liminal space between fantasy and reality, where everything we can imagine is real. the physical and metaphysical location of this work is the heart- our cauldron of creation within the body. the body is a sacred gift, a portal into the physical realm where we can play and create. in this realm, the body has a special role in both our wounding and our healing. both our trauma and our strength are carried through the dna of our ancestral lineages, all the way back to the trees and mycelial networks we were born from. at the core of our wounding is the false belief that anyone or anything is separate. healing work is inherently concerned with the harm that white supremacist capitalism inflicts upon individuals, the collective, and the planet. the oppressed and the oppressor have both been genetically altered by this system. these ancestral wounds are carried within all of us. the false belief in separation harms all of us. cauldron castle is a resource for remembrance, that nothing and no one is separate.

the castle is a symbol of imperialism, ownership, tyranny, and the structures and systems of harm that we seek to dismantle. it is also a symbol of safety, provision, a community working together, land and animals cared for and tended to. one castle falls into the sea, and a new one rises. together we vision, create, and build new structures and systems of care, abundance, and freedom for everyone, in harmony with the planet and all living things.

within the alchemical symbol of the cauldron, our dna alchemizes and evolves, our collective vision simmers and bubbles, and our cup overflows. a joyful heart is our most powerful resource for creating the world we wish to see, so we tend to it here.

let’s stir the pot together.

the studio

rachel mathews, lmt

rachel is a healing artist with a focus in bodywork, ritual practices, and kundalini yoga. she received her kundalini yoga level I, reiki level II, and massage therapy certifications from the Crestone Healing Arts Center in Crestone, Colorado. rachel has been practicing bodywork professionally since January 2019, and teaching kundalini yoga since 2016. cauldron castle is her vessel through which to offer these gifts. rachel’s intention is to be a clear channel for divine love to flow through in each session. she is dedicated to co-creating a more abundant and free world for all people, in harmony with the planet and all living things.

127 abercorn st. suite 202

the massage studio is located in downtown Savannah on Oglethorpe Square, near the State Street Parking Garage and free Dot shuttle stop on Drayton. there is usually plenty of metered street parking as well, especially east of the square (towards Lincoln).

come in through the front door on the right, facing the square. I’m at the top of the stairs in suite 202!